Living in Denmark

With a population of 5.7 million people, Denmark is not the biggest country in the world – but don’t be fooled! Our culture is big, our welfare system is strong, and if you are intrigued to learn more and be part of the Scandinavian lifestyle, then scroll down and enjoy the ride.


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    A strong welfare system

    The Danish way of life is strongly manifested in our solid welfare system, making sure that everyone is well taken care of and that everyone has access to education, opportunities, and financial aid if needed.

    Citizen services like childcare, education and healthcare are universal, high quality and mostly completely state financed through taxation. We make sure that everyone has access to the same living opportunities and focus on equality in the population.

    Read more here.

    A strong welfare system

    The unique Danish culture

    The culture scene in Denmark reaches far and wide. We have a long and rich history in Denmark which have led to: • An inspirational art scene • An innovative gastronomy sphere with some of the world’s best restaurants • A world renounced reputation of the Danish design • Music festivals attracting people from all nations

    And so much more! We might be a small country, but we have left our mark on the cultural scene all over the world.

    Read more here.

    The unique Danish culture

    Everyday life

    With small distances and excellent biking infrastructure, the bicycle is the chosen means of transportation by most Danish people. The everyday life for the average Dane is heavily influenced by biking from place to place, hobbies outside your work life, eating good food with friends and family, enjoying the great cultural scene and in general taking in the beautiful cities – and let’s not forget, swimming in the canals and enjoying the midnight sun. With hospitals and education being free for all and paid through taxes, this will not be a worry in your daily life. On top of that, language barriers will not be a worry of yours either, as basically everyone speaks English.

    Read more about the Danish lifestyle here. Learn more about the cost of living here.

    Everyday life

    A focus on sustainability

    In general, there is a strong focus on sustainability in Denmark. Climate, the environment, social responsibility, and more is on top of the agenda in Danish society.

    With bikes in the street, great public transportation, wind power, solar power, sorting of trash and new initiatives introduced every day, the Danish nation is highly focused on sustainability and making sure that we move towards a greener future. The Danish government has set a goal to be completely independent of fossil fuel by 2030, which we are well on the way to achieving. Danish government prioritises a green transformation and has therefore also created frameworks for green innovation to get opportunities and financial help to grow.

    Learn more here.

    A focus on sustainability

    Associations and working together

    The Danish collaborative mindset is said to originate from our long history of democratic approach to society. Through this, clubs and association are a big part of how we interact and live our lives in Denmark. There are more than 100,000 association despite our rather small population. Associations in Denmark covers a wide range of interests, such as sports, leisure, culture, the environment, politics, professions, the labour market, social issues and health. The list is never-ending and an expression of our democratic way of life.

    The Danish people have in their blood to work together and make a difference in the topics they believe in – and are strongly encouraged to do so.

    Learn more here.

    Associations and working together
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